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Coffee and Conversation: Bereavement Education and Support (June 26)

online support session
Jun 26 @ 03:00 PM - 4:30 PM

This online support session will meet every Friday to discuss various related topics each week. You will be able to connect with others, learn more about grief, and discuss any issues related to the weekly topic. As Rabbi Earl Grollman said, “Grief shared is grief diminished.” We encourage you to join us for support at this very difficult time. Social isolation is difficult in the best of circumstances, but even worse when grieving. Sessions will be held once a week with a limited number of attendees. Attend once or as often as you'd like. Click here to register and we will send you easy to follow instructions on how to connect to the meeting through video chat or phone. 

For information or to register call 904.407.6464 or email